View Full Version : This needs its own thread.

05-09-2011, 11:59 PM
<object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' data='http://www.reuters.com/resources_v2/flash/video_embed.swf?videoId=84561' id='rcomVideo_84561' width='460' height='259'> <param name='movie' value='http://www.reuters.com/resources_v2/flash/video_embed.swf?videoId=84561'></param> <param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'></param> <param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param> <param name='wmode' value='transparent'> <embed src='http://www.reuters.com/resources_v2/flash/video_embed.swf?videoId=84561' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowfullscreen='true' allowScriptAccess='always' width='460' height='259' wmode='transparent'></embed> </object>

If this were from some kookie backwoods guy who wont show how its done, I could understand it being fake.

But this is the Japanese we are talking about. Not that it will go into production but still pretty awesome.

05-10-2011, 05:45 AM
Which will cause oil to sky rocket!

05-10-2011, 07:29 AM
only works on water from Japan since its all radioactive now. :)

now my bottled water will go up in price.

05-10-2011, 01:39 PM
only works on water from Japan since its all radioactive now. :)

now my bottled water will go up in price.

Said any kinda water. And bottled water is a joke in the first place, if you pay for it.....well....:gggg:

05-10-2011, 02:21 PM
Said any kinda water. And bottled water is a joke in the first place, if you pay for it.....well....:gggg:

In a matter of fact I do pay for bottled water. I am well aware of the fact there is no standard for the water industry. They are self-governing. But will this stop me from enjoying a 16-20 oz bottle of cold water... NOPE not a chance. Would you calling anything "GAY" stop me from doing something. I do not think so on that either. :roll:

Besides I like the plastic bottles. They pay my salary. :cheers

05-10-2011, 02:30 PM
I worked in a water lab... I can tell you it does pay to drink bottled water.

05-10-2011, 04:28 PM
Said any kinda water. And bottled water is a joke in the first place, if you pay for it.....well....:gggg:

You enjoy artesian water out of a well? :barf:

05-10-2011, 05:10 PM
I worked in a water lab... I can tell you it does pay to drink bottled water.
Wait, so you're telling me the abnormal amounts of fluoride isn't good for us in our tap water? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

And many independent labs have already proven that most bottled water is just filters and added minerals for taste. And we all know anything that is filtered should technically speaking be better for us. But there is way too many "do nots" in the health world, no one person can follow them all. That's why I dont think I am better than anyone here, I just use the pitcher and filter on the faucet because its much better than the asstacular tap water that Summerville has.

And Illusions, I was calling the buying bottled water concept gay. Not you, yourself.

Pro-tip: Walmart branded water is Aquafina. Coca Cola bottles it for them. So if you like it, buy walmart brand :P

05-11-2011, 10:42 AM
I worked in a water lab... I can tell you it does pay to drink bottled water.

I work fo a water co and endorse this statement.

05-11-2011, 10:46 AM
Supposedly the only truly natural water is Fiji, completely untouched by humans or chemicals or anything else. But of course no one can afford drinking only bottled water all the time.

05-11-2011, 10:56 AM
Wait, so you're telling me the abnormal amounts of fluoride isn't good for us in our tap water? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

And many independent labs have already proven that most bottled water is just filters and added minerals for taste. And we all know anything that is filtered should technically speaking be better for us. But there is way too many "do nots" in the health world, no one person can follow them all. That's why I dont think I am better than anyone here, I just use the pitcher and filter on the faucet because its much better than the asstacular tap water that Summerville has.

And Illusions, I was calling the buying bottled water concept gay. Not you, yourself.

Pro-tip: Walmart branded water is Aquafina. Coca Cola bottles it for them. So if you like it, buy walmart brand :P

LOL, if only you knew.

05-11-2011, 11:38 AM
As far as making cars run on water the theory has been around for awhile. The byproduct for making chlorine gas( adding salt to water and charging with dc power) Is hydrogen discharge.) Making it work cost effective is the hard part maybe they figured out how to it without massive amounts of power.

Maybe I could shed some light on what Matt is trying to say. The hannahan treatment plant is a surface water treatment plant. In a nutshell they take water in from multiple sources add coagulant aids let the heavy solids and dirt fall out of the water. From there it goes though rapid sand filters and a chlorine \ammonia disinfection process (which is still in the water at your tap) add lime for softening,and bam to your house. Though very safe and constantly monitored it is still a very crude way to treat water for drinking. only a small % of treated water actually is consumed by people most is wash and irrigation use.

Bottle water companies charge much more for there product which allows them to use treatment systems that are far more detailed than municipalities. Mainly distillation and reverse osmosis which filter on a molecular level. Price per gallon go through the roof but then again your not going to wash your car with bottled water.

Just to show how much solids get removed from Charleston treatment. The coupon from a 4 inch main on the left was only in service for 6 months before it was taken.


05-11-2011, 10:25 PM
As far as making cars run on water the theory has been around for awhile. The byproduct for making chlorine gas( adding salt to water and charging with dc power) Is hydrogen discharge.) Making it work cost effective is the hard part maybe they figured out how to it without massive amounts of power.

Maybe I could shed some light on what Matt is trying to say. The hannahan treatment plant is a surface water treatment plant. In a nutshell they take water in from multiple sources add coagulant aids let the heavy solids and dirt fall out of the water. From there it goes though rapid sand filters and a chlorine \ammonia disinfection process (which is still in the water at your tap) add lime for softening,and bam to your house. Though very safe and constantly monitored it is still a very crude way to treat water for drinking. only a small % of treated water actually is consumed by people most is wash and irrigation use.

Bottle water companies charge much more for there product which allows them to use treatment systems that are far more detailed than municipalities. Mainly distillation and reverse osmosis which filter on a molecular level. Price per gallon go through the roof but then again your not going to wash your car with bottled water.

Just to show how much solids get removed from Charleston treatment. The coupon from a 4 inch main on the left was only in service for 6 months before it was taken.


I saw the nestle bottle water and couldnt read your post. How do you drink the worst tasting bottled water?!!!??

edit: I kid, i read it. Do you know why man hole covers are round?

05-11-2011, 10:26 PM
I worked in a water lab... I can tell you it does pay to drink bottled water.

You know, as many times as you change your avatard, you can just make it a .gif of all your pics......just sayin~

05-11-2011, 10:27 PM
You know, as many times as you change your avatard, you can just make it a .gif of all your pics......just sayin~


05-11-2011, 10:54 PM

Don't get me wrong, I know why you changed it this time. But just letting you know!! lol

i aint mad bro~

wade w
05-12-2011, 12:14 AM
OK. Does it burn the water like gas is burned? If so that just seems like a really bad idea. We only have so much of it, and we need it to drink. Not like they are making more.

05-12-2011, 12:00 PM
I saw the nestle bottle water and couldnt read your post. How do you drink the worst tasting bottled water?!!!??

Deer parks the worst.:barf:

edit: I kid, i read it. Do you know why man hole covers are round?

Manhole covers are designed so they don,t fall into the hole when you are trying to put it back on cause they are heavy as a biotch eating cake! Rectangle ones can fall right through. Square ones are usually hinged.

05-12-2011, 01:43 PM
I have a 500 foot deep well. My water taste nice!

05-12-2011, 02:10 PM
I have a 500 foot deep well. My water taste nice!


05-12-2011, 02:51 PM
OK. Does it burn the water like gas is burned? If so that just seems like a really bad idea. We only have so much of it, and we need it to drink. Not like they are making more.

Did you hear the audio? :P

It takes the hydrogen out of the water converts to electricity.....

05-12-2011, 03:23 PM

Refer to Dereks post. :finger:

Darryl Buckner
05-12-2011, 05:21 PM
That stuff has been around for years. Cars running on water and even fuel powered welders that run on water. Gerald actually looked into building a box that you put water in for a diesel truck, and once the water is charged with electricity, it gives off the hydrogen and injected into the intake of a diesel truck. Supposedly it would give your truck 25% or so better mileage. The only way this kind of stuff will make it into mainstream society, is the internet. The federal government will squash every patient application pertaining to stuff like that, due to how much kick back money they recieve from oil companies period. You are starting to see some electric vehicle stuff, just to pacify citizens, and I am sure the government watches it closely. I mean the federal government has been paying corn farmers for years for nothing, have them grow corn for fuel. How bout this one, VP race fuel is completely synthetic no patroleum at all, why can they make synthetic 89 or 93 octane in quantity for gas stations, the federal government. Sorry for the rant, just something to think about..:bigthumb: