Carolina Horsepower

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-   -   WOW'''' S10 Nationals coming to bowman'''' in 2011 (

slowgreen99 02-07-2011 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by junks10 (Post 101483)
buddy of mine had a early 80s yota with a 350.. wants to know if he can come out and play............

Just get a S10 badge and stick it on the side! Its just an s10 with toyota body panels :cheers

Illusions 02-07-2011 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by junks10 (Post 101483)
buddy of mine had a early 80s yota with a 350.. wants to know if he can come out and play............

Just limited to S10's and LUV's for the meet. TnT is open of course to everyone to play. :cheers

junks10 02-07-2011 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by slowgreen99 (Post 101610)
Just get a S10 badge and stick it on the side! Its just an s10 with toyota body panels :cheers

yep every thinks its a luv... till they see the grill..........

junks10 02-07-2011 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Illusions (Post 101673)
Just limited to S10's and LUV's for the meet. TnT is open of course to everyone to play. :cheers

thanks he may come play friday.... to whip up on some.......

i guess since a luv won last year no one wants a toyota to take home the

LXtasy 02-07-2011 06:38 PM

There will be filler T&T between the "rounds" of the s-series meet. So yes, he can show up just not run in the event per say

doc1118 02-10-2011 01:52 AM

whats the turn out for one of these races alot or just a few trucks???? i have to go out there soon to run and see if i like the track !!!!

LXtasy 02-10-2011 10:28 AM

suppose to be atleast 15 just from from what i can remember. but it is on other sites also

doc1118 02-15-2011 04:54 PM

does anyone know the pay out is for winning or is this just playing around!!! do we have to run on friday to or just sat and sun days

LXtasy 02-15-2011 09:14 PM

Don't know on payout. But friday is Test and tune and saturday is the "event" Payout will most likely be based on number of entries of course

94zson 02-16-2011 12:07 PM

too bad my truck wont be ready

junks10 02-26-2011 05:44 PM

ok.... you ladies better get ready..... better get every s10 truck blazer luv... around .....theres someone going there faster than you .......coming to take down all....

realslow94z28 03-25-2011 11:37 AM

i plan on taking my s15 on sat.

Matts94Z28 03-25-2011 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by realslow94z28 (Post 107453)
i plan on taking my s15 on sat.

See you there!

realslow94z28 03-25-2011 01:41 PM


RobertHolton1 03-25-2011 05:16 PM

whose all going

chrisheltra 03-26-2011 09:02 PM

Had a good time and saw a lot of nice/fast trucks.

LXtasy 03-26-2011 10:28 PM

The toyota truck was allowed to run with unanimous decision.

I would my index class. WOO HOO! Too bad it is still being dialed in. But hey, it survived and I am happy for it so far.

EDMUND FLASH 03-27-2011 07:26 PM

hope everyone had a great time'
how many trucks were there saturday ??

realslow94z28 03-28-2011 06:41 AM

where was everyone? i was there with the kids and the truck...

realslow94z28 03-28-2011 06:42 AM

lxtasy nice runs the blazer extreme looks great.

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