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ShawnBoyMoody 05-10-2011 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by 1iron (Post 113315)
I think that car has a SBF. Bad Bob whatca gonna do?

With stock internals!

BAD BOB 05-10-2011 08:43 AM

i dont think it has stock internals

ShawnBoyMoody 05-10-2011 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by BAD BOB (Post 113317)
i dont think it has stock internals

I don't think yours does either.:finger:

ForceFed4g63 05-10-2011 08:55 AM

I forgot what this thread was about.

WWhittle 05-10-2011 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by BAD BOB (Post 113317)
i dont think it has stock internals

Paul Wall can probably find out for sure

ShawnBoyMoody 05-10-2011 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by ForceFed4g63 (Post 113319)
I forgot what this thread was about.

Does your neon have stock internals?

ForceFed4g63 05-10-2011 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by ShawnBoyMoody (Post 113321)
Does your neon have stock internals?

Stock internals but my cousin's brother-in-law's father's second cousin twice removed has one with stock internals on a 106mm turbo that runs 3.1's all day GG

White00gt 05-10-2011 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by WWhittle (Post 113320)
Paul Wall can probably find out for sure

Seems like he is in the "Know" must be one bad dude..


Originally Posted by paul wall (Post 113309)
But hey know them too. donnie

I'd sure like to meet those guys, think your buddy's friend, could introduce me?? Is his name donnie? One of those guys in the pic.. Well sht I know his name; he is a friend of mine I know his name is Donnie now.. damn thats much better then a buddys friend :):) I'll just carry this pic around and say "hey look there is donnie" :roll:


Originally Posted by paul wall (Post 113308)
You know it.neither one of us got anything that fast but what will you give my truck in the street bad ass

At least ya got somethings right in this quote above, lets see.

your right that is fast.

your truck in the street..I'll "Give you some company on the way to home depot to pick up the grill I ordered yesterday, your truck must be good for something right.

bad ass...nope ya missed this one by one word.. if you would of said, jack ass, ass hole, fking ass, mr ass. any of those would of worked but ya said bad ass, so ya fail.

White00gt 05-10-2011 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by WWhittle (Post 113320)
Paul Wall can probably find out for sure

He already knows, his friends buddy, in the pic told him.:bigthumb:

BAD BOB 05-10-2011 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by ShawnBoyMoody (Post 113318)
I don't think yours does either.:finger:

oh it does. when i get my new motor in i will give you this one to go fast with!

slowgreen99 05-10-2011 10:43 AM

watch out for Jeff! Get your $17 to bet on! STFU bunch of damn crying bitches. Ill run any of yal "street cars" head up power adder to power adder and not ask for shit. I just know when to bet and when not to bet. Roberts motor isnt as ARP rod bolts. phuck. And who gives two shits about whats being built and when you may be ready. Like Bryan said, Robert will by then have a built motor to actually take more than 12 lbs of boost. Paul Wall, what car and where is it? I know a person on this board that would love to take a stab at the car.

Oh and Wes, gg on 275s bitch. You aint know

ShawnBoyMoody 05-10-2011 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by slowgreen99 (Post 113328)
watch out for Jeff! Get your $17 to bet on! STFU bunch of damn crying bitches. Ill run any of yal "street cars" head up power adder to power adder and not ask for shit. I just know when to bet and when not to bet. Roberts motor isnt as ARP rod bolts. phuck. And who gives two shits about whats being built and when you may be ready. Like Bryan said, Robert will by then have a built motor to actually take more than 12 lbs of boost. Paul Wall, what car and where is it? I know a person on this board that would love to take a stab at the car.

Oh and Wes, gg on 275s bitch. You aint know

So you will race me spray vs spray and wont even ask for any real estate? Awful gracious of ya considering you have 102 cubic inches on me! You are too good to me brotha.

1iron 05-10-2011 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by ShawnBoyMoody (Post 113331)
So you will race me spray vs spray and wont even ask for any real estate? Awful gracious of ya considering you have 102 cubic inches on me! You are too good to me brotha.

I'll race you me on motor you on spray. Friday night for a torch and striker.:bigthumb:

slowgreen99 05-10-2011 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by ShawnBoyMoody (Post 113331)
So you will race me spray vs spray and wont even ask for any real estate? Awful gracious of ya considering you have 102 cubic inches on me! You are too good to me brotha.

ok, well here then...ill be waiting on your crying excuses. RM1 vs ShawnBoyMoody. ShawnBoy has a bigger motor by 4 ci, and a race car c4 transmission. Head the fuck up! That sound good? You have nothing to cry about now, so lock it in and shut up.

ShawnBoyMoody 05-10-2011 11:19 AM

Here's an idea. Friday drive your shit to work Brandon. Ill drive mine from Ravenel to Wilson trucking and meet you when you get off at 9:00. We drive our shit from jedburg to Bowman and put em in the lights. Me on spray you on motor. I gap you and we drive em home. Got that much confidence in your "street car"?

ShawnBoyMoody 05-10-2011 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by 1iron (Post 113333)
I'll race you me on motor you on spray. Friday night for a torch and striker.:bigthumb:

Sure, I'll give it the ole college try. BTW I went and bought me a new torch and a new bottle of propane for you.:ty:

slowgreen99 05-10-2011 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by ShawnBoyMoody (Post 113335)
Here's an idea. Friday drive your shit to work Brandon. Ill drive mine from Ravenel to Wilson trucking and meet you when you get off at 9:00. We drive our shit from jedburg to Bowman and put em in the lights. Me on spray you on motor. I gap you and we drive em home. Got that much confidence in your "street car"?

motor to motor? I see why you dont hesitate to drive an 8.0 car on the interstate! LMFAO! You are full of win! Im not driving my junk to work. Its too far of a drive.

ShawnBoyMoody 05-10-2011 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by slowgreen99 (Post 113334)
ok, well here then...ill be waiting on your crying excuses. RM1 vs ShawnBoyMoody. ShawnBoy has a bigger motor by 4 ci, and a race car c4 transmission. Head the fuck up! That sound good? You have nothing to cry about now, so lock it in and shut up.

I think Jeff has a hurt motor right now........ Maybe I'd have a chance.

ShawnBoyMoody 05-10-2011 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by slowgreen99 (Post 113338)
motor to motor? I see why you dont hesitate to drive an 8.0 car on the interstate! LMFAO! You are full of win! Im not driving my junk to work. Its too far of a drive.

7.93 actually. Get it right. Summerville to jedburg is too far? I drive mine from ravenel to north charleston all the time. Moncks corner several times.

Matts94Z28 05-10-2011 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by slowgreen99 (Post 113338)
Im not driving my junk to work. Its too far of a drive.


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