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slowgreen99 05-10-2011 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by ShawnBoyMoody (Post 113341)
7.93 actually. Get it right.

well damn, that excusable to having balls driving it over 40 then.

ShawnBoyMoody 05-10-2011 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by slowgreen99 (Post 113343)
well damn, that excusable to having balls driving it over 40 then.

Don't hate hate because I can drive my slow motored car to the track, flip a switch, run your time (or quicker) and then drive it home.:mrgreen:

slowgreen99 05-10-2011 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by ShawnBoyMoody (Post 113346)
Don't hate hate because I can drive my slow motored car to the track, flip a switch, run your time (or quicker) and then drive it home.:mrgreen:

Im not hatin, because I can drive my fast motored car to the track, flip a switch, play the gap band on your slow sheet, and drive it home.

ShawnBoyMoody 05-10-2011 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by slowgreen99 (Post 113347)
Im not hatin, because I can drive my fast motored car to the track, flip a switch, play the gap band on your slow sheet, and drive it home.

Do it then.

slowgreen99 05-10-2011 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by ShawnBoyMoody (Post 113348)
Do it then.

dorchester sunday?

bwelch 05-10-2011 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by ShawnBoyMoody (Post 113335)
Here's an idea. Friday drive your shit to work Brandon. Ill drive mine from Ravenel to Wilson trucking and meet you when you get off at 9:00. We drive our shit from jedburg to Bowman and put em in the lights. Me on spray you on motor. I gap you and we drive em home. Got that much confidence in your "street car"?

fuck it. yall both got street cars just do it in the street. Oh wait you cant fire off from home in the skreet!

Matts94Z28 05-10-2011 11:55 AM

Come on. We all know Brandon's car is can travel faster than Mach Jesus.

slowgreen99 05-10-2011 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Matts94Z28 (Post 113353)
Come on. We all know Brandon's car is can travel faster than Mach Jesus.

Can we have that in non-jew please?

ShawnBoyMoody 05-10-2011 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by slowgreen99 (Post 113350)
dorchester sunday?

Bowman Friday.

Matts94Z28 05-10-2011 11:57 AM

Fastest green mustang with a black hood that used to be red in the whole entire southeast.

BAD BOB 05-10-2011 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by ShawnBoyMoody (Post 113355)
Bowman Friday.

ill drive next to you to bowman saturday!

slowgreen99 05-10-2011 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Matts94Z28 (Post 113356)
Fastest green mustang with a black hood that used to be red in the whole entire southeast.

you damn right.

And I cant say that ill be at Bowman Friday or not. I will be there Saturday though. Head up, motor to shoot, for a large lemonade and loaded cheese fries?

cmd 05-10-2011 12:16 PM

Does a loaded fry include bacon?

paul wall 05-10-2011 12:21 PM

[QUOTE=White00gt;113323]Seems like he is in the "Know" must be one bad dude..

I'd sure like to meet those guys, think your buddy's friend, could introduce me?? Is his name donnie? One of those guys in the pic.. Well sht I know his name; he is a friend of mine I know his name is Donnie now.. damn thats much better then a buddys friend :):) I'll just carry this pic around and say "hey look there is donnie" :roll:

At least ya got somethings right in this quote above, lets see.

your right that is fast.

your truck in the street..I'll "Give you some company on the way to home depot to pick up the grill I ordered yesterday, your truck must be good for something right.

bad ass...nope ya missed this one by one word.. if you would of said, jack ass, ass hole, fking ass, mr ass. any of those would of worked but ya said bad ass, so ya fail.[/QUOTE
Ok then dumbass that is a local car from our town shit you wana meet him why not ha your funny.and as far as a home depot truck still out run your shit.

Illusions 05-10-2011 12:22 PM

damn, now your getting me hungry

WWhittle 05-10-2011 12:23 PM

[QUOTE=paul wall;113360]

Originally Posted by White00gt (Post 113323)
Seems like he is in the "Know" must be one bad dude..

I'd sure like to meet those guys, think your buddy's friend, could introduce me?? Is his name donnie? One of those guys in the pic.. Well sht I know his name; he is a friend of mine I know his name is Donnie now.. damn thats much better then a buddys friend :):) I'll just carry this pic around and say "hey look there is donnie" :roll:

At least ya got somethings right in this quote above, lets see.

your right that is fast.

your truck in the street..I'll "Give you some company on the way to home depot to pick up the grill I ordered yesterday, your truck must be good for something right.

bad ass...nope ya missed this one by one word.. if you would of said, jack ass, ass hole, fking ass, mr ass. any of those would of worked but ya said bad ass, so ya fail.[/QUOTE
Ok then dumbass that is a local car from our town shit you wana meet him why not ha your funny.and as far as a home depot truck still out run your shit.

I want to meet the driver of that car. Can you make that happen?

paul wall 05-10-2011 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by bwelch (Post 113310)
I doubt that. There is a little stock 4.8 GMC with a 76mm on it that will walk your truck. Less cubes and a smaller turbo than robert.

My sisters cousins uncle knows John force and he said tell your buddies buddy to GET GAPPED....

Well set him in the street on street radials and come on I'm not scared of it,done been gapped before by a lightning.

paul wall 05-10-2011 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by paul wall (Post 113360)

I want to meet the driver of that car. Can you make that happen?

Donnie driggers is his name car use to be a mod motor with a kenny bell and gas went 570s street car

OUTLAW 05-10-2011 12:29 PM

I thank i seen him 1 time

1998ta__1991rs 05-10-2011 12:33 PM

im serioussly rolling on the floor laughing

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