Carolina Horsepower

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05Saleen 02-06-2007 12:44 PM

J B's Smoke shack Thurs. 2/8 @ 7:00
Are you guy's interested in meeting at JB's again Thurs night at 7:00. I really had a great time last week.

Whaler 02-06-2007 01:45 PM

That was fun, except for the rain. I'll be in Charlotte.

Mike 02-06-2007 02:15 PM

I should be able to make it.

chrisheltra 02-06-2007 02:16 PM

I should be able to make it aswell

LXtasy 02-06-2007 03:57 PM


DolSVT00 02-06-2007 07:54 PM

Count me in

Whaler 02-06-2007 08:03 PM

Have fun.... I'll be working. :cry: Maybe I can make some extra mod money :D 8)

jay_99z 02-06-2007 09:35 PM

Where's this place at? If I get a lunch break around that time I'll cruise by.

Mike 02-06-2007 09:38 PM

Redbank Rd. ... Used to be called Montana's. Coming from 52 its on your left side 1/4 mile from Howe Hall Rd.

jay_99z 02-06-2007 09:39 PM

Thanks. Shouldn't be hard to find.

chrisheltra 02-06-2007 09:48 PM

his is the address if you want to mapquest it.

521 Red Bank Rd
Goose Creek, SC 29445

slow94 02-07-2007 07:24 PM

Not me I have a baseball game in west ashley. :(

Ka-Chow 02-07-2007 08:14 PM

I am on duty

05Saleen 02-08-2007 10:48 PM

I had a great time to night. Thanks to all who came out.

chrisheltra 02-09-2007 09:35 PM

I had a good time too and good food doesnt hurt either.

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