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Diablo 03-12-2011 09:26 PM

Gerald has left with my transmission
Alright guys so Gerald picked up my transmission yesterday and is taking apart next week. Looking for any helpful suggestion for my 200-4r. I know a hardened forward clutch drum and shaft is already going to be done amd a brand new pump. just wondering since this is my first auto tranny build. need better launching at the track guys.

red99pony 03-12-2011 09:46 PM

just talk to Gerald if you have a certain need for it, if it can be done Gerald will do it for you. i don't think no one on here can offer you better advise than he can.

Harry 03-12-2011 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by red99pony (Post 105690)
just talk to Gerald if you have a certain need for it, if it can be done Gerald will do it for you. i don't think no one on here can offer you better advise than he can.

X2. I don't, nor do I have any reason to question his knowledge. He can tell you anything you need to know and alot things that you will be like, what?.

minytrker 03-12-2011 11:48 PM

Just let Gerald do his magic and pay your bill, thats what i always did,lol. Your in good hands, he'll take good care of you.

blkscls1z 03-13-2011 07:42 AM

Gerald will give you intricate details about what does/doesn't need to be done to your transmission to meet your goals. Listen to what he says.

Chillerman 03-13-2011 11:39 AM

Just like everyone else has said. Just do what he says. He is a professional in his craft and will do an awesome job and stand behind his work.

Diablo 03-13-2011 02:31 PM

damn lol its nice to know all good things coming from Gerald.

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