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Tankninja09 04-19-2011 03:53 PM

Please help!
I'm working on a 2002 ford explore, doing a timing belt job. After replacing both timing chains it is stilling rattling. There is slack in all 3 chains. Please does anyone know what I can do to fix this?

White00gt 04-19-2011 04:26 PM

Well, sense all ya did was tell me the model and nothing about what motor it is.. I'm gonna say that the guides are broken, pins for the guides broke out the block, tensioners are broke, cam actuator is broke, your bangging PTV. ya bent valves, it's a rod knock. Hope some of that helps.

lil more info and can maybe do something for ya.

Tankninja09 04-19-2011 04:50 PM

Haha. Sorry about that. Its the V6 4.0. At work and trying to figure this out. But finally I found the solution. The left cam was 180 out. My boss, who helped me reassemble the engine, put it in upside down. Finally the engine is going back in, and I am confident that this will fix it.

White00gt 04-19-2011 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Tankninja09 (Post 111034)
Haha. Sorry about that. Its the V6 4.0. At work and trying to figure this out. But finally I found the solution. The left cam was 180 out. My boss, who helped me reassemble the engine, put it in upside down. Finally the engine is going back in, and I am confident that this will fix it.

Oh damn... I hope thats not a interference motor, I can't remember...

but why were your replacing chains?? was it for the rattle (original complaint?) Thats not going to fix the rattle problem if thats all you did.

clubracergt1 04-19-2011 07:16 PM

The 4.0 S.U.C.K. is an interference motor, IIRC. Hopefully, you got lucky and didn't bang all the valves on that side. If not, Monte is right. You may have bad tensioners. Those engines are known for that problem.

Tankninja09 04-19-2011 11:37 PM

I actually replaced the chains, the hydraulic tensioners, and all the guides. The engine is in and is running smooth as glass. Thanks guys.

clubracergt1 04-20-2011 06:21 AM

Good to hear. Glad you didn't eat an engine.

White00gt 04-20-2011 12:07 PM

Ya getts an ,. A'da boy for this one. Good to know it didn't bang all to pieces.

Tankninja09 04-20-2011 07:57 PM

Yeah I'm glad too. Finally had the customer pick it up today.

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