Originally Posted by Matts94Z28
I worked in a water lab... I can tell you it does pay to drink bottled water.
Wait, so you're telling me the abnormal amounts of fluoride isn't good for us in our tap water? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
And many independent labs have already proven that most bottled water is just filters and added minerals for taste. And we all know anything that is filtered should technically speaking be better for us. But there is way too many "do nots" in the health world, no one person can follow them all. That's why I dont think I am better than anyone here, I just use the pitcher and filter on the faucet because its much better than the asstacular tap water that Summerville has.
And Illusions, I was calling the buying bottled water concept gay. Not you, yourself.
Pro-tip: Walmart branded water is Aquafina. Coca Cola bottles it for them. So if you like it, buy walmart brand :P