Originally Posted by Derek
As far as making cars run on water the theory has been around for awhile. The byproduct for making chlorine gas( adding salt to water and charging with dc power) Is hydrogen discharge.) Making it work cost effective is the hard part maybe they figured out how to it without massive amounts of power.
Maybe I could shed some light on what Matt is trying to say. The hannahan treatment plant is a surface water treatment plant. In a nutshell they take water in from multiple sources add coagulant aids let the heavy solids and dirt fall out of the water. From there it goes though rapid sand filters and a chlorine \ammonia disinfection process (which is still in the water at your tap) add lime for softening,and bam to your house. Though very safe and constantly monitored it is still a very crude way to treat water for drinking. only a small % of treated water actually is consumed by people most is wash and irrigation use.
Bottle water companies charge much more for there product which allows them to use treatment systems that are far more detailed than municipalities. Mainly distillation and reverse osmosis which filter on a molecular level. Price per gallon go through the roof but then again your not going to wash your car with bottled water.
Just to show how much solids get removed from Charleston treatment. The coupon from a 4 inch main on the left was only in service for 6 months before it was taken.

I saw the nestle bottle water and couldnt read your post. How do you drink the worst tasting bottled water?!!!??
edit: I kid, i read it. Do you know why man hole covers are round?