Originally Posted by LXtasy
Of course Perm. I have decided that while people are not making money or spending it that I will tinker with it every now and than. As long as I am not working or busy working on other things.
Brandon. Wasn't meaning it like that. Just that I already knew what you have claimed. You may only know me from owning GM's. But I have owned a couple of Ford's. I was looking at doing the explorer 8.8 swap into my 92 ranger I had awhile back. But was wanting to do an AOD swap as well due to the 302/c6 and 3.73's turning some high RPMS on the interstate everyday.
Werd. I did one in my turd I have and thats why I was posting. And for anyone else that has any ranger/explorer relatied stuff, ive found that
www.TheRangerStation.com is the most helpful place to turn to.